Saturday 9 May 2020

The Purpose of Aloneness

In Bible study, the law of first mention of a subject in the Bible is a guide for future reference on the same subject. 
The first mention of aloneness is very early in Genesis 2:18 - it was not good that Adam was alone.
Up till then everything was good.. but not Adam's aloneness.
This is interesting, because although Adam had continuous, unbroken  fellowship with God, yet he lacked any human company.
Genesis 2:18 
"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
So God formed Eve, out of Adam's rib.
 A "help meet" or "help suitable" for him..
We know that in Genesis 3 there was so sadly the cessation of constant fellowship with God. 
Sin entered the world.
Aloneness has many aspects.
It can be one person alone. One, as with Elijah at brook Cherith, fed by the ravens in the midst of drought, 
Jonah in the belly of the big fish  .. both of these were a consequence of disobedience. 
Elijah, although obedient himself, suffered because of the dearth as punishment of Israel and Ahab's sin (see 1 Kings 17:1 -6)
Jonah was alone 3 days swallowed up by a God-prepared fish, because of his direct disobedience to God's command to go warn the people of Nineveh (see Jonah 1:17 - 2:8)
You can be alone as a group.
As were the eight members of Noah and family on the ark, many days nights on a boat full of animals (Gen. 7)
Or as the faithful threesome - Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego in the firey furnace in Babylon (see Dan. 3: 10 - 23).
Both these were in the predicament of aloneness due to obedience to the Lord's commandment.
Times of aloneness often preceded a great spiritual victory.
For us today this is an important fact to which we must cling!
God is at work here, now.
Any time we are in a time of aloneness, whether due to COVID-19 or for other reasons, God has a greater, higher, eternal purpose for you and me! 
And for far beyond us, most of all if we cannot see it yet!
There are many examples too in the New Testament..
Paul suffered much alone, the lowest point (or perhaps highest) is 2 Tim. 4 where he was left alone at the end of his life:
2 Timothy 4:16-17
"At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion."
 Another example is John on the isle of Patmos.. in exile,  he wrote the only book of prophecy in the NT, the book of Revelation.
The example which touched and challenged me the most, was that the Lord Jesus chose aloneness so many times.
Alone answering questions in the temple at 12 years, alone for 40 days in wilderness at the time of temptation.
So often He quietly selected to come apart, mostly to pray to His Father.
One of the saddest prayer times, when technically He was not alone, but in reality He was - with the sleeping disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane (see Luke 22: 39-46), tended by angel.
However Jesus was most alone as He hung on the cross, separated from His Father, bearing the ugliness of our sins, crying:
 "My God, My God Why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
Alone in death..
Till the glorious resurrection morn.

Tracing through these examples and so many, many more unmentioned, there is a bright scarlet thread.. like the one Rahab let down for the spies to escape (see Joshua 2:18).
That scarlet thread throughout revealing the purpose of Aloneness - that souls might be saved from sin.
This is traced all the way back to Adam and Eve, coats made to cover their sin of disobedience, eight souls saved in Noah's ark, Elijah's bold stand for God, before 450 prophets of Baal on the top of Mt Carmel, after the quiet by the brook.
The three became four in the fiery furnace, for "the fourth like unto the Son of God" (see Daniel 3:25)
 Jonah preached to the Ninevites, who repented, Paul was witnessing till the end despite opposition, as was John, faithful in lonely exile, writing upon parchment.

 It was the Lord Jesus, in the utter depths of Aloneness Who cried:
 "It is finished!"
And so finished the lonely work of the salvation of all mankind.
Whosoever will may come.

Souls saved,
Souls purified.
God is glorified. 

This is God's purpose in Aloneness.

He is purifying us, drawing us closer to His ways and His Word.
May we use this time of aloneness, isolation, wisely and well, praying, interceding for the lost, wayward and needy souls everywhere, that there maybe a life changing revival in hearts in 2020, as in days of yore.
This hymn and chorus (link here) really comes to mind. I love it, often sing it when in deep sadness, it lifts me up!
"No, never alone!"

I want to close with part of Mehrll's comment (her blog is here) on my last post. 
It's beautiful, and good to remember:
"..God is always right there to meet the need when I turn to Him. 
He knows everything that happens to each of His children and nothing can touch us without His approval. 
I am so glad that we can trust Him through every problem in our life"

Thanks so much for popping over here, especially if you have time to chat. 😊
Prayer hugs, 🙏🤗
Shaz in Oz.x

{Background to this post - firstly, I've barely scatched the surface on this subject, eg the book of the suffering saint, Job, was not mentioned, he who was so very alone!
This topic was suggested to me by Robyn Manning. It sat waiting for inspiration, with a scribbled skeleton, till I mentioned it to Donna Howey-Schubeck, and asked her to pray. I'd said I couldn't write it yet.. 
We are the servants of the Living God. As Zechariah (4:6) said "Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord." 
Thank you, dear sisters, for your uplifting comments, prayers and inspiration. This verse below comes to mind in respect to the way God enables us bless, encourage, uplift one another.}

PS . If you haven’t I'd love it you to join as a wonderful encourager of this blog ...  link HERE.  Thank YOU to those who have done so already. It really encourages me to keep on. 😊
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  1. Until I read your post here today, Shaz, I hadn't really stopped to consider how many times in the Bible people have been/felt alone. Yet, in every instance, God is with them, ready to reveal His will for them. You've helped me to see that there can be glory in these times of isolation, and we should be watching and waiting for where the Lord will take us next.

  2. What a wonderful piece and perspective on being alone - Moses also went 'outside the camp' to be alone (with God) ... that was so refreshing, and I appreciated it deeply.
    Stay safe

  3. Thank you Shaz. Very well done post.

  4. This was a comforting post for me...thank you for this. Very appropriate for me personally. Isn't it interesting how "new" verses and even hymns can seem to us when going through trials, that we had heard hundreds of times before?! It is as if the Lord gives new understanding to see them for the first time. I listened to a portion of the hymn you shared, "No, Never Alone"... It brought back memories of singing it years ago with my family, but it never really touching my heart. This time, it was an encouragement and blessing! Sometimes we really can feel alone, even with people all around. Sometimes there's just no one to confide in...leaving us so lonely in heart. But our Saviour is always there and we can cry to Him, praise His name!

  5. Wanted to thank you especially for your devotion.
    I have received much blessing re redemption, victory celebration, focus- alonenes of the Lord.
    The aloneness of others in God's Word is far more common than often mentioned. Lone women, widows and children & what a blessing for Mary, in solitude that resurrection morn.
    Never alone, ever again.
    The Lord is always open to our cry, always present, in every trial & every new joy to thank & share with Him. robxxx


Thank you so very much for your visit and your encouragement.
' love, serve one another ' Gal 5:13.
This is my aim - to be a blessing.
So thanks for blessing me in turn, especially if you're able to comment.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

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