Monday 31 August 2020

The Man and the Book - Job

I have always loved this verse. It is good to meditate upon..saw it a while ago on a very dear sister's page. 
(Link is from ages ago).
This verse reflects the truth shared in the wonderful Job message heard last year at our church, called the “Persecution of a Job”.
Link also here if doesn't work

Job was a man who **eschewed evil.
**avoided evil,
**turned actively away from it.
Written before the Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy) Job lived in a time of NO printed Word of God, NO indwelling holy Spirit, and really very little light spiritually - when compared with that which we are blessed today.
Yet Job appropriated, or took by faith, the very same mercy and grace available to us, in midst of deep devastation and affliction, and such active condemnation by his "friends". They executed this condemnation by blow upon blow.
Job breathed, lived, followed these words, resting in ALL the depth of their meaning. 
"BUT He knoweth the way that I take,
when He hath tried me,
 I shall come forth as gold."
May I do likewise, every moment resting in Thee, O Lord.
For Thy yoke is easy, Thy burden is light, when all is done in Thy strength, by Thy grace, in Jesus' name, for Thy glory.
I am praying for you in all your trials and burdens, and
Praying, too, for our nations' leaders, for God's blessing and mercy upon us in spite of our wickedness. 
Praying, pleading for repentance, revival and rain across our lands.
Thanks to all who pop across to this blog and Thank you too if you can leave some love and encouragement.
Prayer hugs,🙏🤗
Shaz in Oz. X
PS apologies for not blogging.
I’ve been ill, hence very little blogging.
Details on my craft blog.. here and the following update here.

PS . If you haven’t I'd love it you to join as a wonderful encourager of this blog ...  link HERE.  Thank YOU to those who have done so already. It really encourages me to keep on. 😊
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  1. I've always found Job's story, as bleak as it seems on so many levels, as a jewel of inspiration and hope for all of us. We all need to realize that there is none like our God, and there is no way we can ever understand Him in our human limitations.
    Blessings, Shaz!

  2. This was so refreshing to find a new post from you in my inbox! I have neglected my blog much of late due to traveling and being my laptop quit working. Just the other day the Lord blessed this same verse from Job to my heart, and encouraged me. It was a great blessing to have it reconfirmed to me seeing your post. You've often been in my prayers lately - sorry haven't been in touch for a long time. Meant to see how you're doing before now. I hope to start posting on my blog again eventually here if I can find the time...thank you for sharing this with us!

  3. Good Morning, Shaz. I'm sorry you have been ill. How precious are your words, as are Job's. His life story is an encouragement to us when we go through horrific trials. God bless you!

  4. So thankful that we have the bible and the holy spirit to get us through these days of change and uncertainty, with all it's words of encourgement!

  5. Scripture is always a comfort isn't it Sharon. Whenever I'm having issues, I turn to scripture and talk to the Lord. The only thing that get's me through is the good Lord and his word. Thank you for this blog, it is always welcomed even though I don't comment much. Sending love, blessings and prayers-Brenda

  6. Wonderful perspective Shaz - I have also heard teaching on Job of late - it is such a rich book, with so much to be learnt from it!
    It is wonderful to see you blogging again, and I pray your recovery continues.
    Stay safe

  7. My husband takes great joy in the fact that the book of Job shows that God has a bit of a sarcastic side to Him since Dennis does too. When he say's "Surely you were there when I created the earth", etc. Job teaches us so many lessons of trust, hope and faith. Thank you for reminding us of this.
    I'm glad you seem to be doing much better healthwise as you are able to blog again. You've been missed dear Shaz.
    Dennis's sweet sister Karen passed from here into Glory about 3:00 this morning. She is now sitting at the banquet table with Jesus praising and glorifying God. She was so excited to go to Heaven and be with Jesus. The rest of us will dearly miss her but to know she is now painfree and well is a blessing indeed.

  8. So thankful and grateful that in the midst of your trials you found time and inspiration to encourage your brethren in Christ dear Shaz. Thank you! xxx

  9. So sorry to hear you've been ill. It's always so inspiring to me to read your posts. As I read your words it was so obvious that you are a strong woman of God--it radiates from your words in spite of difficulty. You endure through the struggles as Job did. You know your God. You know he is with you. He is your comfort and your peace amid the struggles. Rest in Him. You are a blessing to me with your words and I pray for you to be blessed with His abundant love, care, and peace.


Thank you so very much for your visit and your encouragement.
' love, serve one another ' Gal 5:13.
This is my aim - to be a blessing.
So thanks for blessing me in turn, especially if you're able to comment.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

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