Thursday 3 January 2019

Wonderful Words of Life - Found in Jesus

Well, this is a first post of a new blog. The purpose of this blog is to share snippets of God’s word with you in brief devotional format several times a week.
If this interests you I do hope that you’ll follow along and join in with these posts. I also do illuminated verses which I will share from time to time. This is a good one to aim for every day in 2019. 
Why of the title? It’s from a hymn. 
Sing them over again to me, Wonderful words of Life.
If this link doesn’t work, try it here HERE
God’s Word is LIFE.. without the Living Word, Who is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1-12) we have no hope of real life.
If you don’t  have this hope please read this post here!
As it's a new year in 2019 its good to remember these words...
"This God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death." Psalm 48:14

"Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee." 
Psalm 55:22

Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. Matt. 6:25, 32

Hitherto hath the LORD helped us. I Sam. 7:12

"Hitherto hath the Lord helped us" is the translation of the word "Ebenezer".
We are encouraged to raise our Ebenezer in the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing:
Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Thy Great help I've come;
"Here I raise my Ebenezer;
  Here by Thy great help I have come..."
A good thought to remember as we look to a new year.

As God has helped us in the past, so He will in time to come.
Till He comes.

Maranatha! "Lo, He cometh!"

Prayer for blessing upon you in your days.
Shaz in Oz.Xx
PS If this has blessed you I'd love it if you would join as a wonderful encourager of this blog ... see link HERE. Thank YOU to those who have done so already. You really encourage me to keep on!

** Linking up with:


  1. Good morning dear Shaz. Thank you for sharing the link to your new blog with me. I’m looking forward to sharing the “Wonderful Words of Life” with you through it. I love that hymn as well as “Come Though Font of Every Blessing.” I’m trying to spend a lot more time in the Word this year so I know I’ll appreciate your new blog.

  2. I am looking forward to your new journey on this blog - one cannot have too much time in the Word!

  3. Great Hymn! THANKS for the encouragement. Bless you!

  4. On of my favorite hymns and my favorite verses!

  5. it is such a joy to be invited to join you in discovering God's word afresh with you through this blog!

  6. "Come Thou Fount" is one of my favorites, also. I love it so much! It was so nice to meet you, Shaz! Thank you for following my blog, and I will now be following yours, also. :) May Jesus bless you in this new year!

  7. Love your new blog. You are so diligent in spreading God's Word and being a witness. Hugs.

  8. My dear Shaz, what a joy to visit your new blog. I will enjoy following you here, my friend :) This post was ever so sweet and encouraging...and you shared a delightful hymn. I am now humming it and will likely hum it all day {{smiles}}

    Happy New Year, sweet Shaz! Hugs to you!

  9. Hi Shaz. Great idea for your new blog. It's a pleasure to join you here. Hugs, Angela xxx

  10. It is always so reassuring that God is our God forever, that he guides us and will be by our side until we join him in heaven!

  11. Dear Shaz! Thank you for inviting me to join your beautiful new blog. I am thrilled to be here. Reading the selected verses today has really blessed me as I've been going through a bit of a time of doubt at the moment. Not a good way to start the new year, I know... Before supper this evening I prayed for peace and assurance, and then after supper, decided to finish answering my blog posts, and the last one I did was yours, with the link here. This is an answer to prayer.

    Such a blessing that this blog is called "Wonderful Words of Life." The little Bible study group that I run is called "Word of Life"! I won't say "great minds think alike," but "The Great Mind causes us to think alike!" I thank and praise the Lord Jesus for bringing me here.

    With love in Jesus and thank you for your witness and encouragement,
    Shoshi xxx

  12. Oh, precious Shaz! What a wonderful new blog, and I agree that we cannot get enough of God's Word. I absolutely LOVE the hymn and remember singing it so much when I was younger. Miss those old hymns, but I certainly loved hearing the choral group singing. Reminds me of what heaven will be like as we sing praise to our God. Yes, God is our Helper, and I've certain found that to be true the last month or so. He has been with me (and us) every moment of every day. Praise God! Thank you for this new blog, and I look forward to reading it. Hugs and love! xoxo

  13. So blessed by this... was just thinking of and singing this very song a few days ago, and on some of the same verses as well. Been going through a very difficult trial lately, and things like this bless my heart so much to remind me once again to be looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Was reading a quote recently that said: " 'Looking unto Jesus' is the most refreshing exercise in which we can engage; and the shortest road to genuine spiritual revival is by the Cross of Calvary." Only in Him is true comfort and peace to be found. My favorite verse is "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony..." Rev. 12:11a Anyway, thanks so much for sharing! Looking forward to coming back soon.


Thank you so very much for your visit and your encouragement.
' love, serve one another ' Gal 5:13.
This is my aim - to be a blessing.
So thanks for blessing me in turn, especially if you're able to comment.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

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