Friday 25 January 2019

Biography - Lady Jane Grey - Nine Day Queen of England - by Faith Cook.

One of my favourite biographers is Faith Cook. She was the daughter of China Inland Missionaries and had a varied upbringing. However her love of her Lord flows through her biographies. This was one of the first which I read, a gift from a dear friend. They’re obtained from most bookstores, or online if you’re like me, and none around. You can buy it as ebook too, I think, but I do like a real book in my hands.
Lady Jane Grey has often been called the 'Tudor Pawn' but to see her as one whose life was simply moved around by others is totally inadequate. This is no simplistic life and death of a sixteen-year-old girl. In order to understand the full tragedy and triumph of her life it is vital to grasp the far-reaching political and religious changes that were shaking England at that time.
The Reformation touched the whole population; from palace to university; from emerging town to peasant cottage.
Like the pieces of a jigsaw, the pieces come together to give a picture of a girl with outstanding natural abilities, whose strength of character and remarkable faith shine out despite the darkness that often surrounded her.
Execution at age 16, Jane paid an awful price for a throne she did not seek.
It is an encouraging and inspiring account of an intelligent, strong and faithful young lady, with a zeal for her Lord despite the evil plots of others. It gives details surrounding the efforts of  godly men and women used of the Lord to further the reformation.
Lady Jane Grey had no other ambitions in life other than to advance the gospel.
Despite the hardships of being unloved by her parents and those close to her, the Lord brought increasingly godly men to teach and encourage her to remain strong and even more amazing at such a young age.
Sadly she did not live out her full life span. She understood she was an vessel of the Lord's and He had determined her days.
Her testimony rings down through the centuries, to encourage those who come after,  to be true to their Lord and Saviour, to persist in their own small corner & shine for the Lord.
Her greatest treasure was her small copy of a Greek New Testament. On her last night she inscribed it with these words for her younger sister Katherine:
"I have sent you good sister Katherine, a book which, although it is not outwardly framed with gold, yet inwardly it is of more worth than precious stones. It is the book, dear sister, of the law of the Lord. It is His testament and last will which he bequeathed unto us wretches; which shall lead you into the paths of eternal joys; and if you with good mind read it, and with earnest mind do purpose to follow it, it will bring you an immortal and everlasting life. It shall teach you to live and learn you how to die".
This last statement is even more touching in that the very next day she experienced just that .. how to die.
Even 400 years later we can see into the darkness of the Tower room and see the bright faith of this young woman. Her words on scaffold included:
" I do look to be saved by no other means but by the mercy of God in the blood of His only Son Jesus Christ."
Her faith rang out against popery and faith by works of the era of Queen Mary, the Catholic Queen.

It's a good thing to look to these heros and heroines of the faith. They give our life perspective.
As they were weak, but strong in Jesus, so can we likewise follow on! 

".. Not by might, nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord."  Zechariah 4:6b

If you read this and it blesses you, please leave a comment, so I know.  Thank you. 😊
Prayer Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x  

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  1. Oh my! Just reading what is on this post today makes me wish to have a faith like hers. Thank you for sharing this my dear friend. I think the way our world is headed, it will not be long before we all are persecuted as she was. I know some Christians around the world are already feeling that sting of persecution. May we all have the strength of will to stand firm in the faith and share the love of our Lord Jesus Christ until the end. Blessings always, Betsy

  2. Wow - that must be an incredible read Shaz - I must try and get hold of it! Thank you for sharing

  3. I have read several of Faith Cook's books that you introduced me to and love her writing. She presents those who have stood true to our Lord through trouble and tests. they are a great inspiration to me. Thanks Shaz for writing about this book. I must try to find it too. Hugs

  4. This was a terrible time in our history. We take it for granted that we can buy and read a Bible without persecution. Yet our history shows that others were brutally treated and killed because of their faith. This is still the case in many cultures today. Our own culture is turning it's back on Christianity, there is a hostility against Christians which is becoming more evident. Will we be able to stand strong in the faith? I pray so.

  5. Hello Shaz, I don't think this is the book that I have read as the one
    I did went through all of the sisters stories in turn. A terrible time to have lived through. Queen Elizabeth I was so afraid of having her crown taken that she kept them all imprsioned. The only one to keep her neck was the youngest sister. Have joined but Blogger has put me in inconetto . Hugs Mrs A.

  6. Wow that does sound like an interesting read and it always amazes me when at such a young age that they can have such great faith and wisdom, only by the grace of God. For some people it seems to take a life time to achieve.


Thank you so very much for your visit and your encouragement.
' love, serve one another ' Gal 5:13.
This is my aim - to be a blessing.
So thanks for blessing me in turn, especially if you're able to comment.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

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